Xbox One vs PS4



In this four cornered room, most of us are gamers and we really can relate into this topic because we have our own perception when it comes to picking the best console for us. When it comes to choosing the item that we will use to play games, we are really careful and it takes a lot of discussion before coming up to the final decision. It does really happen because we want what is the best among the entire products that are produced now. Many people arguing about the both consoles, they always compare to each other. So, let us see the point of view of the both console. First is, Xbox One. Xbox one is a video console developed by Microsoft. The console is released on May 21, 2013, It is the inheritor to the XBOX360 and at the same time it is the third console in the Xbox family. Xbox One offers an all-new gaming and entertainment experience in your whole life!! Xbox one carries the best exclusive games, the greatest trustworthy consistency, and the richest entertainment for an all-in-one console built for today and tomorrow. This year E3 there’s a lot of games that Microsoft announced, like adding exclusive games and preparing an Xbox Elite controller. In addition Xbox one  backward compatibility. Let’s see what PS4 has. It is almost 2 years like Xbox one in the industry. To be honest, PlayStation 4 is really getting to its pace now and it is well know as of now becoming one of the most successful gaming consoles of all time. PlayStation is known console unlike the Xbox one. PS4 has a lot of features like Xbox, like the remote play, you can stream or play your game thru PS Vita or Mobile devices using the RemotePlay App. In the other hand, PS4 has the most successful game of all time that many reviews are perfect, the “Last of Us”. It almost give me cancer the time that I’ve searched the rating of this game. BOOM! PS4 is a slim design console that fits to your small room.

I would like to discuss to you the design of the both console.


Let’s start with the Hardware Design. When it comes to picking up the best console that fits for you, many people picking the console because of the exterior or the hardware design. Xbox one’s aspect making the console a gaming beast that measures 13.5 in x 10.4 in x 3.2 in. It has a big vents from the top and vents in the back of the console, it is a good design to evade another “Red Ring of Death” overheating scenario.  The Xbox One cannot be place vertically because Microsoft not to stand it up.  The PS4 has a new distinguishing angular shape with a stylish design. The console is half matte and half gloss made like the Xbox one. The measurement of the console is 10.8 in x 12 in x 2. These design make the console cabinet-friendly. Let us now move on to the front and rear ports of both console. Playstation4 makes space for gigabit Ethernet and 802.11 WiFi bands b/g/n, while Xbox one includes all of that plus the big 802.11 band. Xbox one supports both 2.4GHz and the newest 5GHz channels that are in capable with dual band routers. While the PS4, connections is limited to 2.4GHz. These are the connections of the Xbox one. There are two USB ports (3.0), HDMI in, HDMI out, S/PDIF for digital audio, a respectability Xbox One Kinect port, an IR blaster connection and an Ethernet port. In the back of PS4 you will only see the HDMI out, S/PDIF, Ethernet cable, and PS4 camera port. Xbox one featured the TV cable or satellite box compatibility thanks to HDMI in and the IR blaster connection. ONE and PS4 are the successor of Xbox 360 and PS3 with a times five power.  But the most important thing about the both console is they were built with smarter internal design, and making up all the mistakes in the last-generation consoles. Okay, let’s start with the CHIP! Chip Company AMD advanced the technology of both console. XboxOne has a custom API 1.75GHz AMD 8-core CPU, it is the latest upgrade, because the original is 1.6GHz processor. On the other hand, the PS4 CPU is remained clocked at 1.6GHz and comprises a similar custom AMD 8-core CPU with x86 based architecture. Let’s talk about the RAMS of the both console. Xbox one has a 8GB DDR3 variety, while the PS4 has a 8GB GDDR5 memory. Ps4 reserves up to 3.5GB for its operating system, leaving all the developers the 4.5GB. Xbox One gave a higher memory for the developer which is 5GB. Let us proceed to the Controllers and Camera of both console. One of the most important aspect in picking a console is the Controller, how do you feel the controller? Is it comfortable? Or something like soft? But everyone has their own references in picking a console. Duhhh! The Xbox one controller has a 40 new innovations like the tweaked d-pad and extra rumble effect via “impulse trigger” in the shoulder buttons. The controller of PS4 shows a a lot of improvements. You can now use them in long game sessions and it is handles easier. It has a touch pad and mono speaker, these are the new way to interact games.



Let’s start with the Xbox one. The technology of Kinect is promising, the sensor can now track six skeletons at once and processing 2GB of data per second. The camera is much wider unlike the past Kinect. Xbox one Kinect is so dominant, it just need more games. The PS4 camera doesn’t have much features to offer at this point either. The camera called as “PS Eye”.

Let’s now move one to the Best Game of the both console. There’s a lot of games to compare in each console, it is always base on your taste in gaming. Just like me, I love to play First Person Shooter games like Call of Duty: AW. Bot console list now over 100 games each. You have the power to pick your game! :) In the end, you still the one who will choose the best console for yourself. If you want a family-friendly console go for Xbox one. When it comes to powerful graphics go for PS4. Both console is powerful no bias, each console have their own pros and cons. For me, graphics doesn’t matter because I always rely on the gameplay and the story itself. Never ask for an advice to a fan boy, what I mean is no console is weak, both console is powerful and has their own uniqueness. Everything will depends on you.


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